HR Capsule Training Quality Process (AUDIO-VISUAL) is certified by ISO 9001:2008 experts
Brief Course Contents :
- Introduction to HR World
- Recruitment & Placement
- Hands on Recruitment Process
- Resume Preparation
- Training & Development
- Strategic HRM
- Generalized HR Activities
- Mock Interview
- Compensation Management
- Negotiation Skill Role Play
- Hands on Payroll Management
- Statutory Compliance
- Labour Laws
- Social Security Laws
- HR Operation
- Organization Culture
- HR Communications
- Soft Skills Development
- HR Role in Social Media
- Presentation Skills
- Employee Relations
- Employee Engagement
- Performance Management
- Performance Appraisal
- Background Verification
- HR Process Outsourcing
- HR Policy Implementation
- Hands on Form Fill up
- HR Audit
- Corporate Governance
- Industry Relations (IR)
- HR Survey
- Industry Connect
- Reports & Records (MIS)
- Placement Assistance
- Certification
This Module explains about the evolution of Human Resource Management, Great personalities in HR domain, Different functions of HRM, Difference between Personal management & Human Resource management, Challenges of HR, Your inner strength & weakness as a HR and future of HR profile.
This session will give you idea about different verticals of HR where you can have a broad idea about total working wings of a Human Resource profile.
HR department evolves with Resource Recruitment. Majority of the today’s successful HR started their career as Recruiter. Now different industry calls Recruitment in different names i.e. “HEAD HUNTING”, “TALENT ACQUITION” etc.
We will teach you the total process of recruitment along with different methods.
This module includes followings.
- End to End Recruitment process explanations.
- Recruitment in Company as well as consultancy.
- The process HR follows for Campus Placement in Colleges.
The following industries are focused during this Module.
- Production
- Manufacturing
- Engineering
- Consultancy
- Information Technology(IT)
- Retail
- Finance
- Banking
- Hospitalities
- Securities
- Logistics
- Accounting
- Infrastructure
- Dairy
- Agriculture firm
- Hotel Industry
- Tourism
- Pharmacy
- Education
- Aviation
- Event Management
- Process Plant
Trainees will get exposer on live portals in Employer’s login like Naukri.com, Monster.com, Shine.com etc. India’s leading portals and other portals used in different countries. Trainees will be provided Laptops to do hands on exercise. They will learn how to make JD, How to Post JD, What are the meaning of different fields of job portal software. They will also learn how to search the right candidate from huge data base of Job Portals.
Trainees will learn how to use Google.com in better manner for recruitment process.
RESUME is the KEY to get an Interview call.
Generally our common tendency is to search for a good format of resume from google.com and fit our details within an hour and our resume gets ready to float to employers. Our Expert says this is not the right method. Every body’s resume should be unique like KEY of a Lock. This Module will help you to make your own KEY to open your Dream Lock.
Our Experts will help you to build your customized attractive resume (Based on Your Education, Skill sets, Experience etc.) which will get noticed by the employer and make you different to stand out from common crowd.
“Employees are the main assets of any Organization”. Now a days all organizations have understood this truth. To keep them updated, trainings are must for employees.
This module will teach you all the basic needs and process with respect to HR including following.
- Preparation of Training Calendar
- Competency Mapping, Culture Change Management
- Selecting trainers for the training program
- Post Training Evolution
Now a days Human Resource Department is called Strategic HRM in several organizations. HR gets more importance as now they are the part of Companies Strategy Team. While Organization choosing their Strategy team, they mandatorily keep one HR in their team. HR need to put thoughts during strategy discussions.
Our faculty will explain the definition and activities of Strategic HRM.
Small and Medium size organization expect many activities from HR. Even Bigger organizations also keeps position for Generalized works in HR Department.
This role is very much attractive in HR Department. HR need to act as a multi-tasking personality.
Our faculty will teach you the activities which is performed by Generalized HR.
The major works of Generalized as follows.
- Reference Checking
- Preparation of different letters
- Induction
- Joining Formalities
- Office Timing Management
- Leave Management
- Different Reports
- Appraisal Interview
- Exit Interview
A mock interview is an emulation of a job interview used for training purposes.
The conversational exercise usually resembles a real interview as closely as possible, for the purpose of providing experience for a candidate. It can help a job applicant understand what is expected in a real job interview, and can help an applicant improve his or her self-presentation. Mock interviews can be videotaped; the candidate can view the tape afterward, and get feedback.
Our trainer will conduct Mock Interview for you. It will help you to understand your mistakes and Do’s and Don’ts during Interview. You will get exposer to act as an Interviewee as well as Interviewer.
“Our Assets are walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning”- Mr Narayan Murthy, Chief Mentor of Infosys. Employees are the main assets for the organization. They must be treated well.
The following topics are covered during Compensation Management Module.
- History of Compensation
- Salary, Wages and compensation
- Compensation Strategy
- Compensation & Benefits
- Compensation Models
- Compensation Structure
- Risk & Control
- Compensation Survey
- Salary Slip Analysis
- CTC Analysis
Negotiation is having a very important role in HR’s life. HR need to do better negotiation with candidates, such that company gets benefit in terms of hiring candidates with in the offered range of CTC.
Here you will get opportunity to demonstrate your negotiation skills and our faculty will teach you how to do better negotiation. It’s like a game. You need to participate and enjoy learning.
There is a big confusion in the Industry about Payroll. You need to have clear idea about your role as a HR in Payroll.
Payroll is a subject for Accounts and HR both the departments. End of the month all are waiting for getting their correct salary. HR and Accounts persons have to work jointly and smoothly such that there should not be any mistake in Payroll processing.
This module will give you clarity on ROLL of a HR in PAYROLL.
Trainees will have hands on exposer on followings.
- New Joiner Salary Calculation
- Salary Revision (Increment & Decrement), Arrears calculation
- Attendance calculation (LOP & Reversal of LOP)
- CTC structuring according to company policies including Minimum Wages also
- Variable Payment & Deduction Processing
- Loans payment tracking like – Monthly EMI, Monthly Interest on Loan, monthly Perquisites on Loans
- Disbursement of Monthly or Yearly Incentive, Yearly Bonus as per Bonus Act & Salary Advances
- Maintain Leave Record as per company policies
- Transfer Inn & Out process like Transfer of Income, Exemption, Perquisites, Investment, Profession Tax
- Perquisites Calculation – Car Perquisites, Loan Perquisites & Hotel Accommodation Perquisites etc.
- Income Tax Calculation
- Scrutiny of Investment Actual Proofs for Salary Taxation Purpose as per Income Tax Law
- Handling Client Escalation & Handling Client & Employee’s Salary related queries via mail & telephone
- Maintain Employees Personal Information like PAN No, PF Account No, ESIC Number, DOB, DOJ,DOR
- Appointment Letter for New Joiner & Increment Letter
- Resignation Processing
- Monthly Employee wise State wise Profession Tax Reports & Challan
- Monthly Employee wise Provident Fund Reports & Summary, Monthly PF Challans (Combine Challan, Form 12A-Revised, Form-5, Form-10)
- Monthly Employee wise & PAN, TAN wise Reports & Challans, Quarterly Income Tax Returns (ETDS), Yearly Income Tax Returns (Form-24), Form 16 (Yearly Salary Certificate) & Form 12BA (Yearly Perquisites Certificate)
- Monthly Employee wise ESIC Report & Challan, Half Yearly ESIC Returns Form-5
- Monthly Employee wise State wise Labour Welfare Fund Reports
- Disbursement of Reimbursement amount with Salary or Outside Salary as per employee Eligibility & actual proofs available
- Reimbursement Scrutiny (Proofs Verification)
- Year End Reimbursement Disbursement as Taxable & Non Taxable as per proofs available for full year
- Maintaining Reimbursement Entitlement & Eligibility C/F & Supports Entitlement & Support C/F tracking as per company policy & Income Tax law
- Data Uploading on Web Portal to view Pay slips, Tax Computation, Leave Records, Appointment Letter & Increment Letter
- Updating of Date of Resignation, Date of Leaving & Leaving Reason
- Calculation for Leave Encashment, Notice Period, Gratuity, Outstanding Income Tax, Outstanding Loans & other statutory payments like Bonus & other
- Calculation for Settlement Salary Amount as per date of leaving
- Disbursement for Full & Final Settlement amount & any other dues pending from company’s side to respective employee’s Bank Account
- Reliving & Experience Certificate for Resigned employees as per company policies
- Monthly Maintain MIS, Checklist, Standard Operating Procedure & Employee wise billing
- Data Migration, Process Study for New Clients
- Monthly Sending New Joiner User Name, Password & Login Procedure to access web portal facility
Statutory compliance, in HR, refers to the legal framework within which organizations must operate, in the treatment of their employees. Every country has several hundreds of federal and state labour laws that companies need to align with.
We will teach you all the mandatory Statutory Compliance with respect to employees. Though legal department will take care of major issues but HR need to have basic knowledge for the same.
We will teach you the process of Registration of Provident Fund (EPF, PF & EPS), Employee State Insurance (ESIC), Gratuity etc. and updates of laws related to HR.
All the Labour Laws will be discussed during this topic including PF, ESIC, Gratuity etc. Our faculty will provide you updated knowledge on latest changes of laws in different types of organizations.
The followings are the major laws.
- Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (amended 1947 and 2001)
- Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
- Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
- Payment of Wages Act, 1936
- Minimum Wages Act, 1948
- Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
- Factories Act, 1948
- Plantation Labour Act, 1951
- Mines Act, 1952
- Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
- Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983
- Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
- Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
- Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933
Govt. Of India has made laws for social security of Employees. The updated laws on social security will be taught during this session.
The major Social Security Laws are as follows.
- Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
- Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
- Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
- Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
- Employers' Liability Act, 1938
- Fatal Accidents Act, 1855
- Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1963
- Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1962
- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
- Equal Remunaration Act, 1976
- Unorganized Workers' Social Security Act, 2008
- Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
HR Operations is to carry out the total process of Human Resource. Human Resource Department need to execute and support all other departments related to Employees. Starting from Man Power Planning to hiring suitable candidates as well as resolving conflicts between employees are falling under HR Operations.
The total HR Operation part will be taught to you in different modules, such that at the end of the course you will get complete knowledge on the process of HR Operation.
Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations. These shared values have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs. Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behaviour of the members of the organization.
In the class different Organization culture will be discussed and comparison will be demonstrated for different companies from different countries.
What HR Communications means:
It should be effortless reading that makes the reader want to read more. It should be clear and concise, with short sentences and simple words. It should keep to the facts and be easy to read and understand.
HR Communication work on:
- Letters
- Emails
- Fax
- Memos
- Agenda
- Minutes
Soft skills is a term often associated with a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), which is the cluster of personality traits that characterize one's relationships with other people. These skills can include social graces, communication abilities, language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, and leadership traits. Soft skills contrast with hard skills, which are generally easily quantifiable and measurable (such as software knowledge or basic plumbing skills).
Soft Skills Work on:
- Strong work ethic
- Positive attitude
- Good communication skills
- Time management abilities
- Problem-solving skills
- Acting as a team player
- Self-confidence
- Ability to accept and learn from criticism
- Flexibility/adaptability
- Working well under pressure
Recent trend of recruiting people is through social media. More or less all the people are having their presence in Social Media like FACEBOOK.COM, LINKEDIN.COM, TWITTER.COM etc.
You need to know how to use the social media in respect of HR and get the right candidate. Our expert faculty will teach you the proper use of social media.
Being a HR you must develop your presentation skills. Our trainer will teach you the right way of presentation. How to prepare a good presentation and present in front of big crowd. You will get the knowledge of what are the Do’s and Don’ts during presentation.
Industry expects more than recruitment from HR. HR should act like a doctor in the organization. HR need to maintain organization healthy. Employee Relation is a vital role of HR.
Our Expert will teach you the different aspects of Employee Relations.
Followings are falling under Employee Relations.
- Ethics
- Justices
- Fair Treatment
- Culture
- Two Way Communication
- Employee Discipline
- Employee Privacy
- Dismissals
- Personal Supervisory Liability
- Exit Interview
- Employee Safety
- Employee Health
- Work Place Violence
- Responsibilities of Employees
- Rights of Employees
- Employee Resistance
Employee engagement is defined as an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he does. In the early part of this century, Employee engagement obtained significant attention of Business Leaders and policy makers in motivating and developing people for enhancing performance. One of the most reliable analysis of the relationship between employee engagement and business success/performance comes from the work of the research based consulting firm Gallup. It regularly conducts studies in this area and its work is based on more than 30 years of in-depth behavioural economic research involving more than 17 million employees.
The key factors of Employee Engagement will be demonstrated.
All organization understand only one word while employing candidates that is “PERFORMANCE”. If you are performing well in the organization, all other negative things will be ignored. The day your performance is not up to the mark of management, they will start finding several problems in you.
Organization keep observing employees to keep them align towards Organization Goal. The process is called “Performance Management”
Our faculty will teach you how employers or organizations monitored and manage performance of employees. Rules and regulation for dos and don’ts.
Standard practise of organizations to evaluate employee’s performance once in a year. The process is called “Performance Appraisal”.
There are many standard process follows in the Industry for Performance Management & Appraisal.
We will teach you all the process with demonstration.
The major standard process are as follows.
- Graphic Rating Scale
- Alternation Marking Methods
- Paired Comparison Method
- Forced Distribution Method
- Narrative Forms
- Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
- Critical Incident Method
- Management By Objectives(MBO)
- Performance Appraisal Software Programs
- Electronic Performance Monitoring(EPM)
Benefits of pre-employment background screening and of conducting background check throughout individuals' employment tenure cannot be turned a blind eye. Dangers of hiring and on-boarding employees with fudged education certificates, tampered salary slips are self-evident. Dangers increase exponentially when risks are also about on-boarding employees who indulge in substance abuse or have a criminal history, or fall in bad books of colleagues and reporting managers.
The following Background Verification process are covered.
- Employment Verification
- Professional Reference Check
- Education Verification
- Address Verification
- Indian Criminal Record Verification
- Indian Court Record Check
- Indian Regulatory Authorities Database Check
- Indian Credit and Integrity Risk Database Check
- Global Regulatory, Compliance and Criminal Database Check
- Indian National Identity Check
- Substance Abuse Testing
- CV Validation
There is various definition to HPO in today's time, managing activity/processes if one calls as HPO, the other talks about owning the entire Recruitment function of client as RPO while few say having the recruiters deployed at client location is considered to be RPO. Other school of thought says total HR related activities for any organization can be uploaded to HR specialized consultant called as HPO. Ultimately all these conveys about outsourcing the functions to specialized organization so that resource optimization and timely delivery is ensured while the functions which are cost centers ensure there is a tab on cost by retaining or reducing cost. Recruitment as function is becoming challenging every day with dynamic change in business demand and short supply of talent fitting into business need, the task of hiring the right talent at right time at desired location is the most challenging and herculean task. Understanding the today's challenge, need of customers and our core strengths, we have included following subjects under HR Process Outsourcing.
- Activity owned delivery
- Success based or End delivery
- Recruiter on demand
Human resource policies are continuing guidelines on the approach the organization intends to adopt in managing its people. It represents specific guidelines to HR managers various matters concerning employments. It states the intend of the organization about different aspects of Human Resource management such as recruitment, promotion, compensation, training, selections etc. They define the conception and value of the organization on how people and things should be treated. Therefore, it serves as a reference point when human resources management practices are being developed or when decisions are being made about people.
A good HR policy could provide generalized guidance on the approach adopted by the organization and therefore its employees, concerning various aspects of employments.
Our faculty will teach you how to design HR Policies for an Organization.
Employee Provident Fund (PF)
- Form 2: Nomination & Declaration Form
- Form 3A: Annual Individual Statement for employees
- Form 5: Consolidated New Joinee Form
- Form 6A: Annual Statement of all the remittances
- Form 9 : Register book allotted for the employer
- Form 10: Consolidated Exit Employee Form
- Form 10 C: EPS Withdrawal
- Form 12 A: For giving monthly details of contribution by the Employer and employee.
- Form 13: EPF Transfer Form
- Form 19: Refund of EPF
- Form 31: PF Withdrawal
- PF Challan
- Form 1: Declaration Form
- Form 6: Half yearly responsibility
- ESIC Challan
- PT Challan
- Form A-1 Cum Return
- Form A: Notice of opening
- Form I: Application for Gratuity by an EmployeeForm F: Nomination
- Form F: Nomination
A Human Resources Audit is a comprehensive method (or means) to review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well as to assess compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations.
Our faculty will go through the process of HR Audit. It will give you the knowledge and clarity on HR Audit
Corporate governance broadly refers to the mechanisms, processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and directed. Governance structures and principles identify the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation (such as the board of directors, managers, shareholders, creditors, auditors, regulators, and other stakeholders) and includes the rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs. Corporate governance includes the processes through which corporations' objectives are set and pursued in the context of the social, regulatory and market environment.
Our faculty will teach you the process of Corporate Governance.
Industrial relation is defined as relation of Individual or group of employee and employer for engaging themselves in a way to maximize the productive activities.
In the words of Lester, “Industrial relations involve attempts at arriving at solutions between the conflicting objectives and values; between the profit motive and social gain; between discipline and freedom, between authority and industrial democracy; between bargaining and co-operation; and between conflicting interests of the individual, the group and the community.
Survey is a process to know the actual market situations. Survey is another important aspect in HR department. HR need to do survey among employees of organization to understand their attachment towards company, salary satisfaction level, grievance etc.
Our faculty will teach you how to conduct survey. What are the important parameters you should consider during conducting a survey? Demo survey presentation will be carried out among the trainees of the class.
This module is very much important to you. This module will teach you the current Industry trends and expectations of organizations.
You can be able to update your knowledge about the current market job scenario and expectations of Industry from you.
Preparation of Reports and keeping the Records are another important aspects of HR. We are teaching you the following in this module.
- Regular Co-ordination with Plant HR Heads to update the information and review.
- Monthly Review Meeting (MRM) of all departments on company objective.
- Excel Knowledge
- Payroll Software
Providing Placement is our pride along with knowledge transfer through this course. Our Group Company, Seven Consultancy is having the expertise in this field for more than a decade. They will guide you suitably to get your dream job.
All the trainees of this course got placed in HR domain in different companies. The process is getting repeated for more than last 10 years.
We will provide you completion certificate after successfully completing all the modules.
This certificate will be a credential for you for practical exposers as well as it will increase the weightage of your resume.