Organizational Career development
Posted on: February 21 2019, By : NEHA KENI

Career development is a continuous process where both employees as well as employers have to put efforts in order to create useful environment so that they can achieve their objectives at the same time. Career in 21st century is measured by continuous learning of the employees and identity changes in due course of time rather than changes in age and life stages. Career development of employees is not a mere responsibility of organizations, rather it is their obligation to address the ambitions of employees and create such job positions (hr courses in Mumbai with placement) where they can accommodate their growing ambitions.
Purpose And Benefits Of Career Development
Career Development is a very important aspect of a person’s life. Rewards and benefits are obtained only when a person is able to develop the career. Career Development helps individuals to develop their capabilities and improve their performance. It is a challenge for organizations to respond to the development initiatives that individuals are engaged in and to make career investments in order to enjoy quicker returns in terms of career growth and progression. The various benefits of career development which are as follows:
• Reduces attrition of employees: A Career development program helps to increase the level of satisfaction of the employees and therefore reduce the number of people who intend to leave the organization.
• Provides equal opportunity employment: There is chance for equal opportunity employment when one considers the career development program since these programs identify each person for the merits. Highly effective people and the results that are shown by the individual are taken as a criterion for their development and not other criteria, which therefore demonstrate equal opportunity.
• Improves the use of the employees: Career development enables employees to learn better aspects of their work and improve their capabilities. It also helps them to manage their time efficiently and ensure that the use of employees increases over time.
• Improves the quality of the work life of employees: Career Development helps employees learn better methods of working, work ethics and other important aspects of work.
• Improves the organization itself: Through a career development program, employees have an increased knowledge of the various activities of the firm. Therefore the sharing of knowledge and work ethics tend to make the organization improve.
• Increases the skill of the employees: An employee’s skill is improved if he/she goes through a career development program. These programs aim at increasing various facets of a worker’s life which makes perform better at work.
Career Development Programs
A career development system includes a variety of components for use in the organizations. In order to increase the efficiency of the system, the HR ( HR Training Courses in Mumbai ) mangers must have complete knowledge about these tools since they play a role of consultant when employees and supervisors use this system. Companies in order to avoid complexities look out to top job placement agencies in India for HR services with updated skills as an organization’s workforce. Plus, they are responsible for designing and developing an effective career development system for their organization. Let us understand these tools and activities to learn in-depth about career development system:
• Self Assessment Tools: This is the first technique that is widely used by organizations in their efforts to career management of their employees. This is a career exploration tool where individuals complete self-assessment exercises and fill information about their skills, interests, competencies, work attitudes and preferences, long and short term goals and obstacles and opportunities. The whole exercise helps them understand their own desires and aspirations and likes and dislikes.
• Career Planning Workshops: Once employees are through their self-assessment, they share their findings with other individuals and their supervisors in career-planning workshops. It allows them to receive feedback from others and check the reality of their plans and aspirations. They may change their plans if they find them unrealistic and move in new direction.
• Individual Counseling: It is one of the most common activities that are undertaken by almost all people developing organizations (top education consultants in Mumbai). Generally, individual counseling is provided by career development specialists, HR (HR Certification Courses in Mumbai) specialists or life skills development trainers. Some organizations hire them from outside while some have their own full-fledged departments where they recruit and hire trainers for full time. It helps employees in understanding their own goals, making a change in them if required and working on improving their skills and competencies.
• Organizational Assessment Programs: Organizational assessment programs include tools and methods for evaluating employees’ potential for growth within the organization. Johnson & Johnson is one company that uses these programs to assess the careers of their employees and evaluate their potential in order to facilitate the staffing and development of special teams known as “tiger teams”. These special teams are formed to speed up the development of new products. The most popular programs under this category include assessment centers, psychological testing, 360 degree appraisal, promotability forecasts and succession planning.
• Developmental Programs: Developmental programs are used by an organization to develop their employees for future positions. They can be internal as well as external and can be performed under the supervision of human resource management staff or trainers and specialists from outside. These programs include assessment centers, job rotation programs, tuition refund plans, internal training programs, external training seminars and formal mentoring programs.
• Training programs: Training is one of the most efficient and reliable human resource (Short Term HR Courses in Mumbai) technique to enhance organizational and employee productivity. The training programs should be designed in a way that create win-win situation for both the firm and employees. The negative aspects of training and development are increment in salary and promotion by the trained employees, demonstration of overconfidence and intention to quit the job.
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